Soviet PPSh-43 7.62x25mm Tokarev / Form 2 Registration Transferable Submachine Gun


Status: In Stock / Please Call to Purchase

This Chester County Armory listing is for a rarely seen transferable Soviet PPSh-43 7.62x25mm Tokarev submachine gun that was created via an NFA Form 2 registration.

Originally produced by the Soviet Union during World War II, the PPSh-43 was intended to be a more affordable, mass-produced version of the Soviet PPSh-41 to allow for the necessary increased production required by the demands of WWII. This stamped steel model was a huge triumph and operational success for the Soviets, as it’s performance on the battlefield quickly became legendary among Soviet submachine guns, mostly due to the increased portability and controllability over the original PPSh-41 design.

This amazing NFA transferable machine gun was NFA registered by Charles E. Lindley III / CELCO of Kansas City, MO and appears to be from all original Soviet Union PPSh-43 parts. The receiver top plate proudly displays a “C” for the Russian state factory marking from which it was originally produced. These markings are also matched on the grips of this weapon  with a corresponding “C”  inside of an enclosed diamond. The receiver also features the Cyrillic letter markings of “1945r” for production year and “AC 645” for the original Russian-assigned serial number. The bolt also proudly displays this matching number stamped into the underside of the charging handle.  However, the NFA registered serial number for this weapon utilized by Mr. Lindley is different than the original Russian number, and was added to the right side of the receiver.

Overall, this weapon is in excellent functional condition. The metalwork notes no dings, dents, cracks, etc. The internals note only minor wear markings. The bolt face remains crisp and clean. The bore is bright and shiny with crisp, clean rifling. The open bolt action remains buttery smooth in operation, with strong spring tension to the operating rod. The rear of the receiver has a small malformation of the sheet steel at the take down lever, but nothing that is more than cosmetic in nature.  All folding mechanisms, take down controls, and mechanical systems operate smoothly and appropriately.

Cosmetically, the exterior bluing of this weapon has aged and patinaed nicely for a close to 80 year old firearm. The originally bluing is still significantly intact, with only minor points of wear through. The metalwork of the weapon has patinaed to an eye-pleasing gray and auburn at observed points of bluing loss. There is no noted corrosion or degradation of the metalwork at any observed spots.  Purchase will include a total of 10 original 35rd box magazines.

The current NFA paperwork indicates the manufacturer of this weapon as “Form 2 Registration” and the model as “PPSH43”. This model is currently on a Form 3 for fast and easy transfer via eForms.

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    This Chester County Armory sale listing is for a Soviet PPSh-43 7.62x25mm Tokarev transferable submachine gun that was remanufactured/registered via a Form 2 Registration by Charles E. Lindley III (CELCO) in Kansas City, MO.   This model is currently in-stock, in our possession,  and available for purchase on a Form 3. Please call us at 610-235-6155 to purchase or for additional information on this item.


    Soviet Union / CELCO (Charles E. Lindley III)


    33K, PPS-43


    7.62×25 Tokarev


    Blowback, Open Bolt

    Barrel Length


