German Mauser 1932 Schnellfeuer Broomhandle 7.63mm Pre May Dealer Sample Machine Pistol w/ Accessories


Status: In Stock / Please Call to Purchase

This Chester County Armory listing is for an original German factory-made Mauser Model 1932 Schnellfeuer fully Pre-May dealer sample only machine pistol chambered in 7.63 Mauser, along with an original Mauser detachable wooden stock that doubles as a holster/case for the weapon. 

Commonly referred to as a “Broomhandle” based on the distinctive appearance of the wooden pistol grips, the 1932 Schnellfeuer was a 2nd generation version of the Model 712, which was the first full-auto machine pistol version of the wildly popular C96 Broomhandle pistol. Chambered in its original 7.63 Mauser cartridge, the Mauser 1932 Schnellfeuer-Pistole, or “rapid-fire pistol” featured production upgrades designed by Karl Westinger that addressed the reliability issues of the original 712 design. With its removable shoulder stock attached, this weapon became a very unique,  combat-capable weapon that was eventually adopted by the German military in 1939 and was often issued to Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS military police and reconnaissance units, as well as to motorcycle dispatch riders. Due to its ability be small and compact, yet retain a select-fire capability, its use was especially suited to units like these that needed fire-power, but yet quick and easy mobility.

The NFA Form 3 paperwork for this model lists “Germany” as the manufacturer and “1932” as the model. This 5.5″ barreled weapon features a blade front and the 1,000-meter tangent rear sights. Both the top of the chamber and the right side of the frame feature the original Mauser three-line address markings. The Mauser banner also appears clearly on the left side of the frame, immediately behind the “N” and “R” marked selector switch. This machine pistol also features its original 12-groove wooden Broomhandle grips.

This model is in overall excellent mechanical condition. It has been test-fired and runs flawlessly. The original markings are clear and sharp. The metalwork has no dents, dings, cracks, malformations, or markings of any operational concern. The bolt face remain clear and intact. The action is smooth and fully operational. The bore is slightly darkened, but retains solid rifling. Cosmetically, this model is in wonderful condition for its age, with only minor bluing wear and physical use/handling markings noted. The original wood grips are solid and intact with only minor wear.

Purchase of this weapon will include an original Mauser banner-marked wooden shoulder stock/holster, along with a reproduction leather sling holster and cleaning rod. Also included are five total magazines (two original Mauser 20rd magazines, two original Mauser 10rd magazines, and one 50rd magazine that appears to have been custom-fabricated by a gunsmith from a Bergmann submachine gun magazine to fit in a 1932. All of the magazines retain good physical spring tension. This weapon has been test fired and runs exceedingly well with the tested 20rd factory Mauser magazine. Other magazines have not been test fired.

This Pre May dealer sample only machine pistol is currently on a Form 3 for quick and easy transfer. The current NFA Form 3 lists “Germany” as the manufacturer and “1932” as the model.



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    This Chester County Armory sale listing is for an original German Mauser 1932 Schnellfeuer “Broomhandle” transferable machine pistol chambered in 7.63 Mauser.   This item is currently in-stock, in our possession,  and available for purchase on a Form 3. Please call us at 610-235-6155 to purchase or for additional information on this item.




    Model 1932 Schnellfeuer


    7.63 Mauser

    Barrel Length


